Written By: Gene Wills, New Flavor Studios

In a world of bullying, depression, selfless-worth and comparison of youth, lies young adults that grow up with stigmas attached to their lives; In the African-American culture, it’s less than 74%. Out of the 74%, 92% have vivid imaginations of what adulthood would be as a successful man, however mostly none of them get to live the dream, except one. DRESUN (Dreaded Son of God: forgotten in the natural, spiritually awoken & embodied with strength.) a hero who suffered mental disruption after losing his parents to a nefarious ruler in the small town of Steel Nation. The tragedy and recovery altered this young man’s life to fight for all corruption and its owners and make a community safe again. The power that lies within DRESUN is unleashed automatically in signs of distress, but reasoning is the calm before storm and then with an ostentatious appearance of lightning brings the appearance of a crime fighter to restore peace.

Now this may seem like a common storyline of your everyday superhero, but what separates DRESUN from others is the script, the narrative and the actor playing the role of DRESUN which should be Omari Hardwick. Our very talented producers- Brien Justianiano (A Hand of Bridge (2017), Black Is King (2020)) along with myself out of New York City immediately seen your image as the face and strength of DRESUN; we all agreed. Attacking this script is writer, singer and producer Deirdra Merideth along with several other African American young writers that we believe have creative ideas to push the vision of DRESUN to a level of greatness.

Unfortunately, our African American youth may find it hard to see past the racism and brutal attacks, but they can escape and make a difference when reading the story of DRESUN and the life lessons and triumphs he overcomes. We need you to join us and bring it to life. I will leave a print of this remarkable script and call you in a few days to discuss. Also, if you’re wondering YES, the soundtrack has guest lyricists like Nas and Ludacris to name a few; location to our Motherland in Ghana will be destined and more featured gems to make this an impressive, Award-winning classic that will confirm a legacy of its own.

I Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Michael Swinger,
Executive *Co-Produce

Contacts: Mrswinga24@aol.com www.westonswingermediaholdings.com 347-437-7104

This is Melanie Nichols King. One of the actors we spoke to about a role in the Dresun film. This picture goes with the third part of the write up entitled DRESUN FEATURE FILM.

This is Joniece Abbot Pratt. Another actress we contacted. She starred in tv shows such as the Blindspot and Luke Cage. The other actress Melanie Nicholls King starred in tv shows such as Billions, Blue Bloods, the Wire.

This is actor Royce Johnson from tv shows Daredevil, the Blacklist, Jessica Jones, the Punisher, Blindspot. This picture goes with the DRESUN FEATURE FILM part of the write up as well as the movie poster above.

Omari Hardwick starred in the television show Power, as well as movies such as Army of the Dead and Kick Ass!